Wednesday, 16 March 2011

EP Pre-Production

I actually bring some vaguely exciting news today. Moonlet & The Love Monks' new EP has entered the pre-production phase. That's the phase where things are finally off the ground without a great deal apparently happening. But it's still very exciting nonetheless. For me anyway. And hopefully the rest of the band. And maybe you.

So we headed down to Krowji in Redruth to meet with producer Phil Innes. He keeps his studio there and so we met up to have a bit of a natter.

We ended up playing a selection of 6 songs for him, to give an idea of what it was we wanted to record and how we would go about it. Phil heard our thoughts, we heard his thoughts and now we're at the point where we're ready to go into the studio (hopefully next week) and start to lay some (maybe rough, maybe polished) drum tracks and just lay the general groundwork of the tracks.

Only thing is, now that we've played the songs and got the feedback we need from them, we need to whittle the six songs down to four. Nightmare! Hah.

So anyway, our EP is officially underway and we'll hopefully going back to make some permanent noises next week. I'll be in touch.

- Joe.

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