Friday, 1 July 2011


That sounded a bit nortee, didn't it?

Anyway, our guitarist, Roger is off on holiday. He's beggering off to have a wonderful time in The States so we're using this time off from gigging in order to bring you lovely people some new, lovely stuff. For example, tomorrow afternoon, the 'Monks are getting together in a room somewhere in Penzance in order to shoot some live videos of some of our songs... hopefully one or two that haven't been made avaliable outside of our live shows... how exciting is that!?

On top of that, Dan and I have been in major cahoots, preparing to write lots and lots of new songs to teach that wandering minstrel, Roger, when he gets back. I've been getting down to writing lyrics and I'm really jazzed about some of the material that's come out of it. I'm sure by the time August rolls around we'll have plenty of new tunes to show you. Look out for some rough drafts in a vodcast or something.

And finally, in regards to our upcoming EP 'The Likes of David Bryant'... if you haven't had a chance to check them out, we've released two exclusive tracks, Too Late to Mate and David Bryant Tried to Section and Kill Me. You can find them on our Reverb Nation page or our Facebook page in the 'My Band' Tab. Links below.

So yeah, lots of news there for you to get your teeth into. More updates on the videos and songs coming soon.

Joe. x!/Moonlet?sk=app_2405167945